Warrant Officer II Pete

Peter is our current CSM. Originally from London he spent over a decade in the Army before settling down in Southampton. As well as scuba-diving, kayaking and running he is our resident military parachutist gaining his B Wings in the Spring of 2019 and has already jumped into Arnhem and Normandy from a C-47 Dakota. He is an advanced driving instructor and freelance journalist/motoring historian and has already published five books on American automobiles and a thriller novel. An enthusiastic historian with a passion for the era of World War Two, he is one of our Jeep owners and can be seen dressed as a CMP, Airborne Provost or USAAF.
He has also been an extra in the TV drama series Paratrooper, currently in production

Warrant Officer II Pete

Corporal Catherine

Catherine joined us in 2021 and is proving to be a real asset to our display.

Her experience of working with children is invaluable as we interact with the younger members of the public. Her friendly smile and unflappable manner never fails to win them over.

Corporal Catherine

Sergeant Colin

Colin is the Managing Director of a successful company based in Hereford. He has a keen interest in WW2 history in general and the Normandy D Day landings in particular. Colin is the owner/driver of one of the group’s Jeeps and also the creator of the buildings we use in our displays. In his spare time he enjoys making military models and diaramas.

Sergeant Colin

Corporal Kath

Kath has found her place in the group manning the “HQ” office, handing out ID cards to children under 16. She is also very interested in history and is an avid reader.

When not in ATS Provost uniform on duty with 367 CMP, Kath can also be found at events appearing as Matron of 209 Field Dressing Station. Kath is the group's assistant event planner and cook!

Corporal Kath

Subaltern Rachel

The youngest member of our group, Rachel aims to portray how Her Majesty The Queen played a part in the ATS during WW2

Subaltern Rachel

Corporal Kerry

Kerry is a former staff member of the Royal Air Force Museum in London. She started re-enactment in 2015 with events at the Museum and now joins 367 Company whenever possible.

Kerry is accompanied by her little scrapper Onyx, who as 2nd Lieutenant out ranks her considerably! They can often be found conducting patrols around the checkpoint for enemy squirrels.

Corporal Kerry

Lance Corporal Lindsay

In 2011 I enlisted the help of WWII re-enactors to help run a Heritage Open Day at the Jacobean house I was curator of. Without their support, we would never have coped with the 8,000 visitors we received in a day. Their professional approach that included education, entertainment and fun inspired me to join their ranks. It has been a fantastic source of friendships, information, refreshments (NAAFI vans are as fabulous now as they were then) and inspiration.

Meeting veterans and their descendants is an honour as is keeping what they did for us in the forefront of everyone's memory.

Lance Corporal Lindsay

Sergeant Iain

Iain has been re-enacting for over 12 years portraying different versions of the British Military Police uniform. He has tried to cover as many versions as possible including Vulnerable Points with the blue cap top instead of the usual red. He also uses white or green webbing plus a pale fawn desert colour with his hot weather (KD) uniform

Sergeant Iain