
Would you like to join?

If you would like to be part of our group please contact us using any of the methods on the Contact page,

alternatively you can come and see us at one of the events listed on the where to find us page to meet us and see what we do.


Who can join?

Everybody is welcome to join our group, however, you must be 18 years old for insurance purposes, and you must be capable of standing for long periods at events.

As we aim for accuracy in our portrayal, we would prefer recruits who are of a larger build, but this is not critical.

What do I need?

NOTHING – to start with at least, If you would like to come and join us for a day then all we ask is that you wear period looking clothing, for Gents, this can be a collarless shirt and cords or black trousers, a waistcoat and shoes etc, and for the Ladies, a nice period style dress or swing trousers and a blouse, there is plenty of guidance online and we are happy to help.

If you decide that you want to continue, then you will need a uniform, please see the uniform page for more details.

What does it cost?

The group is free of charge to join, all we ask is that if you join us for the weekend you bring your own alcohol and put in some money towards food. If you continue to stay with us, after 3 events or 4 months, whichever is first, we would ask that you contribute towards our group fund, this is a £20 payment that we all put in towards upkeep and costs.

We recommend that members take out their own Public Liability Insurance. 

Membership of the Military Vehicle Trust automatically covers this and costs about £35 per year.

You do not have to own a vehicle to join the MVT. Other insurance companies and organisations like AFRA for example, can also offer this type of insurance.

Are there any rules

Not really – We try to avoid rules and hard lines so that we can enjoy our hobby, unlike some groups, we do not expect you to have all the kit and spend a fortune before you have had a chance to get involved.

We do strive for accuracy when we are displaying at a show, and as such we expect you to put your mobile away, take out any non-period piercings and have natural coloured hair etc, but once the show has closed and the public have left then its time to relax – no fox holes and cold rations for us.

We do not expect you to be a history professor either, just to be interested and keen to learn, you will gain the knowledge as you go.

We camp at shows where possible, so please be ready to spend your nights under canvas, either period camping on-site or if you prefer “plastic” camping, this is usually available nearby. 

There may not always be facilities other than portaloos and standpipes,so please anticipate having to wash al fresco.

We do however cook hot meals in the morning and evening, and always have a ready supply of banter, tea or coffee and an ammo box by the fire at the end of the day

 The most important thing to know is that this is our hobby, it is our interest, and we are here to enjoy it, as long as you have the same mindset, you will be welcome.

If you do decide you would like to join us and want to invest in a uniform, please refer to our Uniform page.